Anticipation Guide
Definition/Description: An anticipation guide is used before reading to activate students' prior knowledge and get students excited and curious about a new topic. Before reading, students listen to the teacher or another student state key ideas about the concepts in the text. They can also read several statements about the key concepts presented in the text. The statements are usually put in a form where student say they agree or disagree (Reading Rockets, 2015).
Justification: "Teacher's can assist children in developing background knowledge by: Including techniques in lessons such as chapter previews or anticipation guides. As students begin to develop a conceptual framework for their own learning and understanding, they build a repertoire of background experiences from which to draw" (Echevarría, Vogt, and Short, 2013). Teachers in the lesson are scaffolding and students are actively involved in discussion about each of the statements in the guide. When a teachers scaffolds for his/her students it provides them with the necessary skills and understanding to correctly complete, read, or do the lesson/activity. In this activity the teacher can model or scaffold the material at first, but remove when students start to understand (Gunning, 2012). Piaget’s schema theory states activating prior knowledge before reading is essential, because according to his research when we can connect something “old” to something new it helps us better understand the new. As students are reading they are able to access their schema and make understand of the text and use their experiences. When students and teachers applied schema theory to reading comprehension readers constantly connect their background knowledge to the new knowledge in a text to help them make sense of the reading (Gunning, 2012). This strategy can be used to help build student academic and content knowledge on a certain topic, therefore this strategy will help develop students vocabulary and understanding before the reading. "Many student who struggle with reading have issues in language development" (Jennings, Caldwell, and Lerner, 2014).
Differentiation for Struggling Readers:
Examples of Sentence Starters:
In this video a middle school science teacher explain how she uses an Anticipation Guide to help her students with vocabulary. This video demonstrate how this strategy can be used in other content areas besides just reading.
Content Area Examples:
- For reading teacher choose a topic and content area. Then she/he create a few statements and students determine if they think the statement is true or false. They then continue reading the text and after they are done they see if their predictions are correct. The topic can be on anything and that is why it can relate to any of the other content areas.
- For math there are different ways a teacher can use an anticipation guide. For example when students are learning about a new concept, let say geometric figures, the teacher can have a set of statements. These statements can include equations, problems, or vocabulary. A teacher can use an anticipation guide to allow students to learn the vocabulary terms within a chapter. A teacher can also use one for word problems. (Take a look at the link below to see an example)
- For Science there are different ways a teacher can use an anticipation guide. One of the most common is to use them for a new unit in learning definitions, main ideas, concepts, and vocabulary. It can also be used during an experiment. For example It can be I think this will happen or I believe this might happen. It can be statements about the outcome, material, or safety rules.
- For Social Students, just like the example at the top about the dessert, an anticipation guide can be done for any topic. It can be vocabulary terms and the definitions. It can be examples or facts about the topic. The example above has statements about the environment, what might be there, etc. Students can learn more and have an idea about what they will be learning through these guides.
Anticipation Guides (2012). [image of desert example]. Retrieved form
Anticipation Guide (2015). Every Language Learner. Retrieved form
Anticipation Guide (2015). Every Language Learner. [image]. Retrieved form
Anticipation Guide (2015). Reading Rockets. Retrieved from
Anticipation Guide (2012). Reading Rockets. [Web video]. Retrieved from
Anticipation Guide (n.d). Teacher Toolkit [Web Video]. Retrieved form
Echevarría, J., Vogt, M. E., & Short, D. (2013). Making content comprehensible for Elementary English language learners: The SIOP model. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Gunning, T. G. (2012). Creating literacy instruction for all children in grades pre-K to 4. 2nd Edition. Boston: A and B.
Jennings, J., Caldwell, J., & Lerner, J. (2014). Reading problems assessment and teaching strategies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Anticipation Guides (2012). [image of desert example]. Retrieved form
Anticipation Guide (2015). Every Language Learner. Retrieved form
Anticipation Guide (2015). Every Language Learner. [image]. Retrieved form
Anticipation Guide (2015). Reading Rockets. Retrieved from
Anticipation Guide (2012). Reading Rockets. [Web video]. Retrieved from
Anticipation Guide (n.d). Teacher Toolkit [Web Video]. Retrieved form
Echevarría, J., Vogt, M. E., & Short, D. (2013). Making content comprehensible for Elementary English language learners: The SIOP model. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Gunning, T. G. (2012). Creating literacy instruction for all children in grades pre-K to 4. 2nd Edition. Boston: A and B.
Jennings, J., Caldwell, J., & Lerner, J. (2014). Reading problems assessment and teaching strategies. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.